Our Social Sciences & Humanities Department provides a range of courses that help to build students' understanding of the world including equity studies, family studies and general social sciences. We use current events and hands-on activities to help build students' empathy and character.
Helpful Links:
- Google Classroom
- Health Canada provides a vast amount of information about Food and Nutrition and Healthy Living, as well as access to Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating
- Stats Canada produces statistics that help Canadians better understand their country - its population, resources, economy, society and culture
- Dietitians of Canada is an association of food and nutrition professionals committed to the health and well-being of Canadians. This site includes links to nutrition professionals, nutrition games and access to current research
- Epicurious provides individuals with access to recipes, food articles and tips for entertaining and cooking
- Williams-Sanoma has delicious recipes, tips for parents and meal planning advice
- The Food Network is an excellent resource for new recipes. The site contains a food glossary, nutrition calculator and information on global cuisines and food substitutions.
- Agri-Food Canada provides information on food sustainability and security, food and beverages, locally grown food and processed and imported foods.
- Today's Parent contains a library of resources for students and parents. The site contains information on pregnancy, child development, effective discipline strategies, as well as internet safety, product recalls and talk forums for parents.
- Simplicity provides access to sewing patterns, crafts, costumes and home decor
- Real Baby provides tis and support for the Real Baby experience